About The Art:

By using 2 dimensional art, music and poetry to address the issues we individually and collectively experience, the Messengers give the patron an opportunity to evaluate the human response to the world around us. "Where am I in the Messengers' evolution." " Where is the World?" Journey with the Messengers is a multi-media experience made up of 7 original life-size paintings (26"x62") mounted on 7' symbolic doors by Vivian Grady, audio and visual renditions of original poems, by Cathy LaPointe Blundy based on the paintings and seven original musical scores, created by Michael Grady; all geared to bring the viewer to a deeper understanding of the seven stages of the human experience.

Upon entering the space of The Messengers, patrons will be invited to follow a path leading to the first of seven paintings (1,Chaos), beside the painting there will be placard containing the poem inspired by the work. An original musical score for the painting, can be activated. The path continues through the 7 paintings 1. Chaos, 2. Bound By Law, 3. Harmony and Her Shadow, 4. Insight and Self-absorption, 5. Act of Creating, 6. Vision and reaching the last painting. 7,Unity. At an 8th encounter, Awareness (The Mirror), participants may take the opportunity to share their thoughts in a public journal, gather to discuss the work or sit quietly for a moment. A book of the poems with prints of the paintings will be available to see along with access to QR codes for each painting allowing viewers to listen to the poetry read by Ms. LaPointe Blundy. Painter, VN Grady, was inspired by the seven stages of human experience, as stated in the book Peace is the Way (2005) by D. Chopra. Each painting represents a specific stage - from Chaos to Unity. The work took over 2 and 1/2 years to complete. Each form is the same but by use of directional placement on the canvas and reversal of colors the messenger's stage of experience takes on new understandings of character.

Inspiration to create Ekphrastic poetry by poet Cathy La-Pointe Blundy began when she first encountered the work. She spent over 7 months working with each painting individually and has created a book of poetry adding high quality prints of the Messengers included in the book. Original scores, by songwriter/composer Michael Grady bring another dimension of dynamic feeling to each piece of the installation as the participant follows the path through the paintings to Awareness (the Mirror). Attendees will have private access to the music as they walk the path. the composition, production and instrumentals are exclusive to Mr. Grady . Drums by Jeffery Shoop. A picture brochure of the path with explanations is being planned to assist patrons. The installation has the flexibility to be adapted to many types of environments from large bright or darkened rooms, museums, to meadows and pine groves. We are excited to present the work in a 25'x100' room at the SILVA Enjoy the Journey.

About the Artist:

As an artist, I have worn many artistic hats. Some of those funny hats have been professional, some have been following my curiosity and embracing possibilities . During the 60’s and 70’s most of my creative work centered around raising a family, volunteer work, creative fabric work(sewing) and returning to college to earn my BS degree at Grand Valley Colleges, (now university). In the 80’s I reached into the bag of dreams and pulled out the desire to relearn my studies of clay which were begun back in the late 50’s at Western Michigan University. This began a series of opportunities to develop and teach clay building at Holland Area Arts Council, teach at Holland Adult Education and, also, at the then newly formed Evergreens Commons, as well as worked as an assistant to Mike Taylor, potter.

In the 90’s my husband retired from teaching, I discontinued my pottery work, and we sold everything and bought a motorhome to travel for a year. The year became ten years as we crossed the United States. During this period watercolors helped me chronicled our journey, studied oil painting and ended up designing and building a handicap accessible home in Ionia, Michigan. We continued to spend winters in the warmer climes until my husband, who has lived with MS for over 50 years could no longer travel. In 2005, I joined the Ionia Council for the Arts. Exhibited my work at the Eclectic Art Gallery in Ionia and the Clinton County Arts Councils facility in St. Johns, and the Shaiawassee Arts center in Owasso, MI. I was part of many group exhibitions and several one woman shows. A major one woman show titled: In Her Image; a woman’s mythology (2009-2010) was produce both at the Eclectic and at Clinton County. During that period I entered the first Artprize of 2009 and was accepted at the Open Concept Gallery.

In 2012 I spearheaded Artspace with Ionia Council for the Arts. We created a facility where artists would be able to have space to work for a nominal fee. Several shows were presented while we maintained this space. In 2016, I created Isabelle PHOENIX Gallery in Ionia. The gallery provided opportunities for artists to participate in open called themed show. Nevertheless she Persisted asked artists to tell in word, or 2 or 3 dimensional art how they persisted in life. Another’s Perspective gave opportunities for artists in divergent life styles to express and tell their stories. Dazzle: a different kind of balance asked artists to express the balance between the needs of the individual and the community. The gallery was opened to individuals to present one person shows, and enjoyed exhibitions from Ionia Junior High and St. Peter and Paul's. The gallery’s last show was opened on March 15, 2020. It was The First Annual Photographers Invitational.

I closed the gallery that June due to the pandemic and my husbands health. Recently several of my pieces have been show at the Crain Communications Building in Detroit. At 81, I continue to create and am very excited to present the collaborative project Journey with the Messengers with poetry by Ms. LaPointe -Blundy and music by Michael Grady both inspired by my series of 7 life-size paintings depicting the messenger's transformation from Chaos to Unity. collaborators: vivian nan grady, Cathy LaPointe-Blundy, Michael Grady